Mobile application development

We develop various types of mobile applications: applications that will support your company’s goals or perform a specific function as well as applications as a separate project and business activity.

Our specialists have extensive experience in creating applications from the UX, marketing and development perspective. That’s why we can advise you on solutions that are effective or unlikely to work in order to save you money, time and energy implementing and testing them.

We provide a full range of services from design to regular updates and improvements based on user experience.

  • Mobile application design
  • Development for different platforms: iOS, Android, Facebook and / or computers
  • Integration with other platforms and systems
  • Creating links with social networks
  • Prototyping
  • Functional testing and troubleshooting
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On the 19.05.2023 SIA “Devio” has signed an agreement Nr. SKV-L-2023/292 with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) for the project “International competitiveness promotion”, which is co-financed by the European Regional development fund.